

I have a couple, the rooms where I have them feel fresh and the air feels clean. I was inspired by this amazing photo I saw of a Himalayan Salt room to learn more and incorporate these lamps into more our of family daily living. Below is a great article from Critical Cactus about all of the health benefits that a Himalayan Pink Salt Lamp can provide. 


Himalayan Pink Salt Lamp Health Benefits:

Studies and Expert Opinions



1. Neutralizing electromagnetic radiation

There is a theory that the much-debated sick building syndrome is due to a build-up of positive ions from electronic equipment.

We are embedded in a vast sea of electromagnetic (EM) radiation emitted by our electronics (smart phone, computer, television, tablet, appliances, etc).

Nobody knows for sure what the long term effects of EM exposure will be. What is known is that constant EM radiation exposure can cause chronic fatigue, increases stress levels, and decreases the body’s immune response, to name a few.

Negative ions will certainly cancel out positive ions; however, to counteract electromagnetic radiation entirely, you would need to wrap yourself in lead sheeting, not just light a lamp next to the TV.

To what extent Himalayan salt lamps emit negative ions into the air remains to be seen. It’s not sure if they are powerful enough to neutralize electromagnetic radiation, also called ‘electro-smog’ at all.

Neutralizing may be a gross overstatement. Helping reduce seems more appropriate.

But if you’re looking for a nice lamp anyway, why not keep one next to your computer or TV if it can potentially reduce harmful side effects of our gadget-focused lifestyle?

2. Purifying the air

Natural living afficionados boast that the core benefit of these lamps is “their incredible power to remove pollen, dust, cigarette smoke, and other contaminants from the air”.

And even though devotees admit “it’s just a big chunk of salt with a light bulb inside” they claim that their efficacy stems from hygroscopy, attracting and absorbing water molecules with contaminants inside, from the surrounding environment, trapping them into the salt crystal.

It is absolutely true that the salt lamps are hygroscopic: they do suck water vapor from the air. Salt in the air has long been seen as a health booster, and sea air has been proven to help clear the airways.

In the 19th century, Polish salt miners (working in the same mines which now produce “Himalayan” salt) were known to have fewer pulmonary health problems than the general population.

There is ample scientific evidence of the health benefits of breathing salty air. However, rock salt isn’t particularly effective at spreading salt particles through the air.

There are ‘salt spas’ around Europe, which people visit for help with their respiratory problems, but these are rooms lined with blocks of salt like mosaic tiling. It seems unlikely that a 10-inch lamp would affect the air of the whole room.


3. Reduce asthma and allergy symptoms

The fact that special Himalayan pink salt inhalers exist, and that they seem to have tremendous beneficial effects on asthma, bronchitis, and other respitory ailments rules in favor of the exotic salt.

HPS lamps are said to filter microscopic mold, mildew, dust, and pet dander particles from indoor air. People swear that adding one or two lamps to their room helped alleviate allergy symptoms tremendously. Even asthma sufferers claim to benefit from HPS lamps.

Others think that a saline nasal spray will have a more immediate effect if you’re hoping to clear your airways with salt.


4. Improve breathing

Studies show that negative ions increase cilial activity while positive ions have a negative effect. Cilia are the microscopic hairs lining the windpipe (trachea).

In other words, more negative ions in the air means your lungs are kept cleaner from foreign particles. So theoretically, a HPS lamp helps you filter the air you breathe in and keep your lungs clean.


5. Increase energy levels

One of the boldest claims. Because positive ions sap your body of energy, HPS lamps can make you more energetic. Often the link between being out in nature (where negative ions are abundant) and feeling invigorated is attributed to these lamps too.

Two caveats; is the amount of negative ions emitted sufficient and are the energizing effects of being in nature solely caused by negative ions or are there other factors such as beautiful scenery, fresh air etc. in play?


6. Help you sleep better

Another popular claim is that the lamps help you sleep better. The theory is that over-exposure to positive ions in the air lead to a reduction of blood and oxygen supply to the brain resulting in irregular sleep patterns.


7. Here’s how negative ions improve mood

Studies demonstrate that negative ions can definitely benefit people suffering from seasonal depression (SAD), and may help other forms of depression too.

It needs to be pointed out that during the clinical trial ‘high density negative ion exposure’ was applied. Interestingly, the ‘low density’ group also experienced a 17% improvement.

Claims that the lamps boost serotonin production are plausible but unproven; the only way to measure serotonin activity in the brain of a living human is by a painful and dangerous spinal tap, so scientific studies rarely look at that neurotransmitter directly.


8. Reduce stress and increase performance

In a study on people completing a 40-minute task on the computer, exposure to negative air ions reduced stress and anxiety and improved performance.





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