What Are Your Family Christmas Traditions?

christmas traditions

What Are Your Family Christmas Traditions?

Here are a few family tradition ideas to make your Christmas memorable. 

1. Wrap 25 books. Kids can open one book each night leading up to Christmas. We just added this to our family Christmas traditions this year and my kids are loving it! 

2. Looking for things to do Christmas Eve night? Do a video interview of family members every Christmas Eve.

3. Instead of candy in the Advent Calendar, write notes each day about what you love the most about each child. 

4. Hide the last presents on Christmas day and make clues as to where your kids can find them.

5. Turn your Elf on a Shelf into a Kindness Elf that helps around the house and notices when your kids do considerate things.

6. Make hot chocolate and cookies and drive around looking at Christmas lights on Christmas Eve.

7. Give matching Christmas pajamas for the whole family on Christmas Eve.

8. Make reindeer food out of dried oats and glitter and have the kids sprinkle it in the backyard on Christmas Eve.

9. Take flour and make Santa footprints on Christmas Eve.

10. Watch Polar Express and drink hot chocolate every Christmas Eve.

11. Take your kids shopping for a toy to donate during the Christmas season.

12. Make a countdown to Christmas paper chain. Take a ring off the chain each day.

13. Make a hot chocolate bar with whip cream and marshmallows.

14. Write a yearly letter to your kids and put it in a clear plastic, fillable ornament ball.

15. Take your kids shopping to buy presents for each other.

16. Have a special dessert or dish you only make on Christmas. 

17. Have a camp out one night under the Christmas tree.

18. Booby trap the children’s bedroom doors by creating a web of green and red streamers the kids have to break through on Christmas morning.

19. Take a picture each year in front of the tree in the same poses. Keep an ongoing collection for a photo series that shows them growing up.

20. Photocopy your children’s letters to Santa each year and make a book out of them when they are older.

21. Make a red and green paper gratitude chain. Each night leading up to Christmas, each person writes what they are grateful for and adds it to the chain.

22. Have your children make gift coupons for people in the family (e.g. this coupon is good for one complimentary room cleaning).

23. Leave stockings at the foot of your children’s bed to keep them entertain as you catch a few more winks Christmas morning

24. Give your kids a Christmas bath with a few drops of green food dye or Crayola Color Bath Dropz, candy canes and some holiday decorations all around the tub.

25. Hide christmas chocolate coins in the Christmas dinner.


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