Heart Set by Robin Sharma


I was walking in the woods early this morning with a dear friend of mine. We often mastermind together and share ideas on business/success/happiness/life. I always walk away from our conversations energized, inspired and rededicated to creating extraordinary results within the core areas of my life.

One of the ideas that came to me while we spoke was the one that follows. We hear a lot in business and in life about “mindset”. Develop the mindset of a champion to get to your goals. Have the mindset of a leader to get good things done. Create the mindset of success to draw more of it into your life. I agree that your thinking determines a large portion of the results you experience. Mindset matters. But what about “heartset”?

To me, a high performing human being is operating at excellence mentally. She is focusing on superb thoughts and has a great attitude. But that’s only half of it. She is also showing up at work and at home with a wide open heart. Her “heartset” is all about delivering value to her clients and inspiring her co-workers and modeling empathy/kindness and caring. And about being fully human in a world that has become so disconnected from what’s most important.

Balancing head and heart. Mindset and heartset. Courage with compassion. In my mind (and heart), that’s what genuine leadership and authentic power is all about. I encourage you to live this balance today.

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