March – All About the Abs!

Ok ladies, Spring Break is here, Summer is around the corner, let's work together this month to improve our abs and tighten our core. We know that a tight core, strengthens our overall body. The reality is, with a tighter core, we feel more confident too! Every fitness expert I've worked with over the years incorporated a core training system within my weekly fitness schedule.     I found this great article on Spry Living that teaches us some of the very best Ab workouts to burn belly fat. Over the next four weeks, let's target this area together. Starting today, make a commitment every day to work on your abs. Send me a photo at the end of March, let me see your progress! /

Ok ladies, Spring Break is here, Summer is around the corner, let’s work together this month to improve our abs and tighten our core. We know that a tight core, strengthens our overall body. The reality is, with a tighter core, we feel more confident too! Every fitness expert I’ve worked with over the years incorporated a core training system within my weekly fitness schedule.


I found this great article on Spry Living that teaches us some of the very best Ab workouts to burn belly fat. Over the next four weeks, let’s target this area together. Starting today, make a commitment every day to work on your abs. Send me a photo at the end of March, let me see your progress!

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