Thanksgiving Gratitude


It’s only a few days away from Thanksgiving where we gather with friends and family , eat wonderful food,  and give thanks for all of our blessings.  I love the idea that we have one day during the year dedicated to gratitude and thanks but what has framed my mind and my days in a completely different way is daily gratitude.  

This is something that my husband and I and our children have been practicing for the last year on a daily basis.  Whether it is waking up, and as soon as you open your two gifts… your eyes, you say 3 things you are grateful for , or write in a journal that you keep on the side of your bed or even around the breakfast table, asking each child what they are grateful for today, is such a wonderful practice that has changed our lives.  

Whether I am listening to Tony Robbins, Robin Sharma, Oprah Winfrey or Brother David Steindl-Rast they all are saying the same thing….that the benefits of daily Gratitude is endless.  When doing this daily practice you experience more positive emotions, you feel more aware and connected, you have more compassion and kindness and some say that you even have stronger immune systems and sleep better.  

As I am writing this right now, it is 6am, the family is still sleeping, it is still dark outside.  I am sitting with a cup of green tea in my favorite mug with pictures of the family all over it, I am diffusing my doterra oil, arise, and I have a candle lit.  At this moment, on this day, I am so grateful that I have had this wonderful peaceful moment this morning. I am grateful for the giant leaves falling from our Sycamore tree outside of my kitchen window and the sweet birds chirping.  I am grateful for this day, because it is a gift, and right now, it is all I have and I am grateful for RESHAPE, and all of you, and that we get to go on the journey of RESHAPING our lives together.  



Grateful Conversation Starters:

A fun way to work with these questions is to write them out on little pieces of paper, fold them up and put them in a bowl. Choose a time when you are gathered with others (at the end of your Thanksgiving meal perhaps), then pass the bowl around and invite folks to pick out a piece of paper and answer the question.

  1. What am I grateful about in my life right now? Why?
  2. What blessings does nature offer in my life?
  3. What situation is offering me the opportunity to handle it gracefully?
  4. What has surprised me lately?
  5. What makes me hopeful?
  6. When I consider a difficult situation and the impact it had on me, can I identify an aspect of the situation (or impact) that I can feel grateful about?
  7. Who inspires me? How?
  8. What unexpected things have brought me gratitude?
  9. What challenging situations have brought out the best in me?
  10. Who might I be wrong about?
  11. What act of kindness did I notice or experience today?
  12. What can I commit to not taking for granted from this moment forward?

Thank you for opening your eyes and heart to truly having, and contributing to, a grateful Thanksgiving week and a grateful world!


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